Current Line Up  
  Blackie Lawless - Lead Vocals / Guitars

Blackie Lawless born Steven Edward Duren on September 4, 1956, in Staten Island, New York...

  Doug Blair - Lead Guitars / Vocals

He was born February 11, 1963 as Douglas Blair Lucek. Doug's early development as a musician took place...

  Mike Duda - Bass / Vocals

Former Arcade bassist Mike Duda joins the band in 1996 and works on K.F.D album...

  Mike Dupke - Drums / Vocals

Grew up in Jackson and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Attended Indiana Univ. School of Music...



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Discography / Lyrics / Tabs

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Photos / Videos

Concert photos, promo & live videos of the most dangerous band in the world

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Concert tour dates announced



> Blackie Lawless (July 19, 2011)

> Glen Butch Rhodes (A fan of W.A.S.P. who lived a day with the band during ''Wild Child'' video shoot)

> Andy Jay (former of Killer Kane Band)



Check out the official and other cool W.A.S.P. (and not just W.A.S.P.) sites on the net


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SINCE DEC 17 2009

My WASP Private Collection

I believe it is worth taking a look at my private collection. It looks like a collector's guide, so maybe it will help you to find what items or releases are missing from your collection

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My Whole Collection

Here you can see my complete rock, hard rock & heavy metal collection (all except W.A.S.P)


W.A.S.P. collection W.A.S.P. official discography W.A.S.P. promo discography W.A.S.P. want list W.A.S.P. trade list W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless W.A.S.P. history W.A.S.P.

Want & Trade List

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W.A.S.P. collection W.A.S.P. official discography W.A.S.P. promo discography W.A.S.P. want list W.A.S.P. trade list W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless W.A.S.P. history W.A.S.P. Blackie Lawless W.A.S.P. history W.A.S.P.

Last Updates

@ November 22: Read the complete ''30 years of thunder'' documentary by Blackie Lawless in history section.

@ October 8: Read pt.13 of 30 years of thunder by Blackie Lawless in history section.

@ August 28: Read pt.12 of 30 years of thunder by Blackie Lawless in history section.

@ August 12: Read pt.11 of 30 years of thunder by Blackie Lawless in history section.

@ July 2: W.A.S.P. announced two live shows during their ''30 years of thunder'' tour in Greece, on November 23 at Fuzz club in Athens and on November 24 at Mylos club in Thessaloniki

@ June 25: Read pt.10 of 30 years of thunder by Blackie Lawless in history section.

@ June 6: The first Greek W.A.S.P. tribute band which is called ''HEADLESS CHILDREN'', strike again on June 29 of 2012 in Athens, Greece. Click here for more details and become a fan of the band.


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